9:00: Morning Routine
1. Fruit Break
2. Discuss the weather and calendar: Complete the Weather and Calendar Chart
9:10: English
1. Sight word review- Review all sight words from the Term 1 list. Play a game of ‘Memory’ using sight word cards (15 minutes)
2. Reading- Complete home reading. Find all the words that you know in your home reader everyday (15 minutes)
3. Phonics- Discuss rhyming words. Complete two pages of the rhyming word booklet per day (20 minutes) Rhyming Booklet
4. Writing- Complete two pages from the ‘I can write sentences’ booklet and write the heading on each line and choose a different word for the end of each sentence. E.g. Look at the horse. Make sure you have a capital letter at the beginning, a full stop at the end and spaces between words (20 minutes) I Can Write Sentences Booklet
5. Speaking and listening- Play a game of ‘Would you rather?’ E.g. Would you rather a milkshake or a fizzy drink? Why? (10 minutes)
6. Read to- Read a story book or listen to one online (10 minutes)
7. Handwriting- Practise drawing a triangle shape as many times as you can on one page of the exercise book. Then practise all other shapes learned this term (20 minutes) Pre Writing Shapes Chart
10:55: Recess
11:30: Mathematics
1. Number review- Practise counting forwards to 20 and backwards from 20. Review numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Complete one number sense worksheet using a texta each day. Practise writing numbers 1-5 in your exercise book and draw pictures to match each number (10 minutes) Number Sense Worksheet
2. Number- Make a cardboard dice- see template. Practise rolling the dice and call out the number of dots without counting. Then make each number with counters. Play game ‘Topmarks, Ladybird Spots Counting, Matching and Ordering (20 minutes) Lady Bird Spots
3. Addition and Subtraction- Discuss addition. Make up an addition story about an animal. E.g. There were three fish swimming in the ocean then along came two more fish. How many are there altogether? Draw the addition story onto the worksheet and write a number sentence underneath to match the story. E.g. 3 and 2 makes 5. At the end of the week, put them all together and read your addition stories. Discuss subtraction. Practise counting backwards from 10. Then use the monster picture cards to create a subtraction story. E.g. There were 10 monsters but one went home. How many monsters are left? (30 minutes) Monster Addition
4. Time- Discuss day and night. Talk about activities that you do during the day and activities that you do at night. Sort pictures into two piles- day and night. Draw one thing you do during the day and one thing you do at night onto the worksheet (30 minutes) Day and Night Drawing
5. Fitness- Play a game of ‘What’s the time wolf’. Then move around the yard as an animal, for example a bunny hop, seal slide, snake slither, emu run, kangaroo jump or crab crawl. Then choose an animal movement to move around the area. Then play a game of 'Simon says’. E.g. ‘Simon says balance on one leg’, ‘Simon says put your hands out to the side’, ‘Put your hands in the air’ (15 minutes)
1:15: Lunch
2:00: Other KLA
Choose one of the following per day:
Science, Geography, CAPA or PDHPE See below (55 minutes)
Discuss the different seasons, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. Talk about what clothes we wear during these seasons. Complete the ‘Seasonal clothing’ worksheet by cutting and pasting the Summer and Winter clothes into the correct box. Seasonal Clothing
Discuss the different ways that we can look after places in our community, such as putting rubbish in the bin at school or watering the plants in the garden at home. On one page of your exercise book draw a picture of ways that you care for one place in the community and talk about it.
Use your imagination and create something wonderful from the splattered paint on the ‘A Beautiful Oops’ worksheet. Use whatever materials you have e.g. scissors, glue, cardboard, textas, crayons, pencils, pens etc. Beautiful Oops Read Aloud and Beautiful Oops Art
Play some music and move around the room. Then practise moving forwards and backwards, side to side, in a straight line, a curved line and a zig zag line. Follow the instructions on the home learning challenge sheet. Home Learning Challenge
Complete some of the foundation activity pack.