Preschool Red Class Week 2 Term 3 2021
Week 2 Term 3 Preschool Learning From Home Educational Program/Schedule
Week 2 Term 3 Preschool Learning From Home Educational Program/Schedule
Pre-writing support page, formation of lines and following line direction to develop children's skills to form shapes and letter formations.
Pre-writing support page, formation of lines and following line direction to develop children's skills to form shapes and letter formations.
Connect the dots to learn how to draw lines to form shapes
Cut out the squares to create cards to play a game of memory.
Places and characters from the story Hairy Maclary re-imaged into a game to support children's speech and language development.
Support your child's communication. Encourage your child to draw and talk about the story "Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy", identifying their favourite character.
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