Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 4, Week 2

Hello M-Yellow and welcome to week 2 of learning for Term 4!


M-Yellow will continue to work on remote learning work packs and online for the next 2 weeks.

It will be exciting to see everyone in M-Yellow returning to school on Monday 25th October 2021 (Term 4 Week 4)!


Week 2 Announcements

Term 4 Week 2 work packs will have either arrived at your home address or are on their way through post. The work packs will remain available to download and print from the M-Yellow class pages every week starting Monday morning. 

Have a look at Seesaw for announcements on our class's Zoom meetings. 

Zoom meetings for this week will be on:

- Monday 11th October at 12.30 pm.

- Wednesday 13th October at 11.30 am. 

Click on the link below to start downloading M-Yellow's term 4 week 2 home learning pack: 



Videos for this week's learning can be found below:

Week 2 home learning pack:

Spelling words & sort - Mason & Tyler:  

Spelling words & sort - Makayla & Nichcha: 

Spelling words & sort - Rohan & Travis:  

Geography - with Ms. Dalton: 

Writing - Sentence boundaries & Spelling errors: 

Grammar - Procedure texts: 

Maths - Fill in the number table & Multiplication mosaic: 

Maths - Fractions & Money revision: 

Science - Earth's surface:


Links to our key learning websites required for this week's learning are found below:

Seesaw - https://web.seesaw.me/ 

Mathletics - https://www.mathletics.com/au/

Literacy Planet - https://www.literacyplanet.com/

Wushka - https://wushka.com.au/

Storyline Online - https://storylineonline.net/

Storybox Library - https://storyboxlibrary.com.au/

#Education Live (Department of Education) - #Education Live                   

Squiz Kids - News podcasts for kids (great to listen to while working on a learning task!) - https://www.squizkids.com.au/


Please keep your feedback and messages going this week and thank you for your regular video and photo uploads sent on Seesaw! 

Families can continue to keep in contact through emailSeesawClassDojo, or phone calls


Happy learning for this week M-Yellow!

Mr. Dowling, Ms. Dalton & Miss. Kate