Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 3, Week 5



Hi 3-6 Green!

Welcome to Week 5 of remote learning. A reminder to watch Mrs Moon's and Miss Lamas' teaching videos before you do your work. 

Remember to keep posting all of the fantastic work you are doing on Seesaw each day. We love seeing your photos and videos - they make us smile! We are very excited to help you with your learning this week!

Miss Lamas will be talking to parents over the next few weeks about badges. Please refer to the Remote Learning Badge Criteria on page 2 of the workpack and discuss these expectations with your child. Parents, your feedback is important as we work towards these badge levels. For quick access the critera can be found below.

Quick access



Morning routine:



Brain break



Word work - spelling









Sight words




Skip counting by 100

Telling the time

Skip counting by 12s




Rolling the smallest number

Rounding to the nearest centimetre




Geography with Ms Dalton