During the upcoming school holidays it is likely that families across Australia will be strongy encouraged to stay home and isolate themselves to slow the spread of Covid-19. It will be tough for parents, children and teachers to stay at home all holidays while also practising social distancing. The teachers at Lethbridge Park Public School have collected a bunch of fun and safe activities for families to do over the school holidays. Our wish is that all members of the community stay safe and healthy during this trying time. See our awesome ideas below!
Use toys you have at home to complete some of these fun challenges and games:
Find the toy: Like hide and go seek, but instead of a person hiding, you hide a toy and your family has to find it before the time runs out!
Put on a toy play: Put a sheet over some furniture. Hide behind the sheet and hold the toys up high so your audience can only see the toy. Put on a short play to make your family laugh or cry.
Scavenger hunt: Match colours with toys or objects around your home!
Use the recipes below to make things with your family.
While you will be stuck at home and unable to play sport, there are lots of creative ways to keep active at home. Check out the activities below for ways to keep active at inside and outside.
Obstacle course: Watch this video for inspiration in making a obstacle course at home in your backyard!
Plastic bottle ten pin bowling: Use 10 plastic bottles to set up a ten pin bowling track. Roll a ball and try to get a strike! Compete with your family.
Fitness outside: Use this website or others to find good fitness ideas. Create your own workout! Challenge your family or time yourself to see how quickly you can complete it.