Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 3, Week 8

Term 3, Week 8 Preschool 'Learning from Home' educational program.

Please Note: Changes to scheduled preschool Zoom sessions have occurred. Please ensure you check-in with your Storypark account for further information.

To keep up to date, communicate with preschool educators and contribute family moments of your child’s learning during Term 3 Learning from Home, please Login to Storypark via your browser or use this QR code.

Educational Support Videos and links for this week's planned educational experiences...

Please ensure that you have completed your child's NSW Transition to School Statement (T2SS) Recording Child's Voice Microsoft Form by the conclusion of week 8!

Scan me to be directed to the Microsoft Form, Recording Children's Voice for T2SS.