Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 4, Week 2

Welcome to learning in week 2


Learning materials

Daily teaching and learning activities are distributed directly to students via Seesaw. Selected paper materials are available below:


Daily timetable

Let's get ready for learning

Week 2 Highlights


This week our reading activities are based on Belinda written by Pamela Allen. Listen to the story here.

#EducationLIVE in focus

This week we will revise our learning on capacity.  Watch Flynn and Dodly figure out which container holds the most liquid and then explore with different containers at home.  Make sure you post your discoveries to Seesaw!



This week we'll be decorating biscuits! Log in to Seesaw to watch a demonstration video.  Instructions can be found below:



Additional resources

Thank you for visiting our class page today.  

Please continue accessing Seesaw to remain up to date with important announcements and learning activities.

As always please contact me via Seesaw, on my email or through the school office.

Happy learning at home!