Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 3, Week 3

Welcome to learning in Week 3


Learning materials

Daily teaching and learning activities are distributed directly to students via Seesaw. Paper materials are available below:


Daily timetable


Let's get ready for learning

Week 3 Highlights


Education Week will be celebrated this week.  There are a range of virtual events that students and families can particpate in by following this link. To help us celebrate Education Week please take photos of your students learning at home and send them through to be included in a whole school special feature.


This week our reading activities will be based on Thelma the Unicorn written and illustrated by Aaron Blabey.  Watch and listen to a reading of the book by the author by following this link.


We have started investigating what makes objects move in different ways.  Follow this link to watch the building of a wind powered car and then have a go at building one yourself!

Additional resources

Thank you for visiting our class page today.  

Please continue accessing Seesaw to remain up to date with important announcements and learning activities.

As always please contact me via Seesaw, on my email or through the school office.

Happy learning at home!