Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 3, Week 1

Hello M-Yellow and welcome to Term 3!

This week's learning will be focusing on our home learning pack that includes English and Maths content. The home learning pack includes a brief introductory letter, a timetable for the week and activities to complete. Instructional videos will be set to this class page during the week showing you how to complete some tasks.

Click on the link below to start downloading M-Yellow's home learning pack. 

Watch this video for a brief introduction to the home learning pack. 

Links to our key learning websites required for this week's learning are found below:


Mathletics - https://www.mathletics.com/au/

Literacy Planet - https://www.literacyplanet.com/

Wushka - https://wushka.com.au/

Storyline Online - https://storylineonline.net/

Storybox Library - https://storyboxlibrary.com.au/


Individual student codes to these websites will be sent by email. 

Please feel free to contact via email, Seesaw, ClassDojo or through the school telephone number for any questions or comments throughout this remote learning week. 

All the best in your learning this week M-Yellow! Remember to post your learning updates on Seesaw!

Mr Dowling & Miss Kate