Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 3, Week 8

Welcome to learning in week 8


Learning materials

Daily teaching and learning activities are distributed directly to students via Seesaw. Selected paper materials are available below:


Daily timetable

Let's get ready for learning

Week 8 Highlights


This week our reading activities are based on the text On the Way to Nana's written by Frances and Lindsay Haji-Ali and illustrated by David Hardy. Follow the links provided to find out more about the illustrator. Listen to the story on Seesaw.


This week we begin investigating volume and capacity.  Watch this very short video and post to Seesaw what you think is going on here!  There are also some awesome activities to do at home on the #EducationLIVE webpage.




In science this term we have been learning forces and we've investigated toys that move through pushing and pulling. This week we begin building our own toys that can move! 



#EducationLIVE in focus

At 10am daily make sure you tune in to a featured interview.  Catch up on previous episodes with well known personalities such as Emma Watkins (the yellow Wiggle), Tim Taranto and Matt Buntine (GWS Giants),  Manu, Mat and Gary (celebrity chefs) and so many more!




Additional resources

Thank you for visiting our class page today.  

Please continue accessing Seesaw to remain up to date with important announcements and learning activities.

As always please contact me via Seesaw, on my email or through the school office.

Happy learning at home!