Welcome to Learning and Support in Years 3-6 with Mrs Peck
We are supporting students with additional learning needs in literacy and numeracy through a variety of programs. These some programs include:
- MultiLit - Literacy
- Quicksmart - Numeracy
- Peer Tutoring
We also provide support in class, working with the class teacher to meet students' learning needs. Where necessary, we develop individualised, researched one-to-one support programs to target specific skills and strategies to meet learning needs.
MultiLit is a one-to-one withdrawal program with a trained tutor, operating four times a week for approx. 15 minute lessons. Its focus is on building a decoding strategy when reading and spelling. Students are taught how to pull apart unfamiliar word in known sounds (segmenting) and put those known sounds back together to form the word (blending). It also focuses on fluency, building the capacity of students to apply the decoding strategy and recall common words automatically.
Quicksmart withdraws students in specially selected pairs for 25 minute lessons, three times a week with a trained tutor. The program focuses on the automatic recall on addition and subtraction facts to 12 to support number and pattern knowledge for algebra, multiplication and division skill development.
Peer Tutoring
We are starting a new program in 2016 with students from Years 5 and 6 training to provide peer tutoring to students in Kindergarten and Year 1 in single sound and sight word knowledge. Term 1 is training our Peer Tutors with their teaching program beginning in Term 2. This will involve a 15 minute lesson, five days a week.