Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 3, Week 2


From week 2 onwards, Year 4 will engage in their remote learning digitally.

This means ALL year 4 students will need to login to Microsoft Teams each morning. They will communicate with their teacher and complete their classwork using Class Notebook, all within Teams.

For students with a school device, Teams has been loaded for you and pinned to the taskbar (the blue T!). For students using their own device, go to Office 365 using Google Chrome and login with your school username and password.

Please see the video below for how to find the Remote Learning work on Teams.

Below are a set of links to help with communication and ease of work completion. Students are familiar with these websites and have been using them this year. Each student has both ongoing and new work assigned to them individually and in groups that they can access. Usernames and passwords are available in our class OneNote (Class Notebook) which students can access from home by logging into Office 365.

Mathletics - https://www.mathletics.com/au/

Literacy Planet - https://www.literacyplanet.com/

Wushka - https://wushka.com.au/