Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 3, Week 2



Hi 3-6 Green!

Welcome to Week 2 of remote learning. Remember to watch Mrs Moon's and Miss Lamas' teaching videos before you do your work. Make sure you take photos of your work and post them on Seesaw. We can't wait to help you with your learning this week!

Quick access



Morning routine




Brain break



Word work



Independent writing

Using voice-to-text technology on your iPad

Independent writing checklist




Skip counting by 4s

Skip counting by 11s

Skip counting by 5s



Addition and subtraction

Addition using a number line (+)

Subtraction using a number line (-)






Well done on all your hard work this week 3-6 Green!
Mrs Moon and Miss Lamas are very proud of all the learning you have done at home!