Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Tuesday 12th May

9:00: Morning Routine

1. Fruit break

2. Discuss the weather and calendar: Complete the Weather and Calendar Chart

9:10: English

1. Sight words – introduce new sight word us. Say the sight word and try to put it into a sentence. Practice all sight words including new word. Complete 2 activities from the sight word grid with your new word. 

2. Reading- Complete home reading. Find all the words that you know in your home reader everyday

3. Phonics - Introduce the sound ‘n’. What is in your house that starts with ‘n’. Draw the letter in the air. Say some words that start with ‘n’. How many sounds can you hear? Complete ‘n’ page in the phonics booklet.

10:00: Crunch'n'Sip

Listen to a story online 

10:10: English

4. Writing- Draw, Talk, Share, Write. Follow the instructions and complete task #2 in your writing workbook. Upload your drawing and writing onto Seesaw.

5. Speaking and listening – answer 2 questions: 

  • If you could have anything in the world as a present right now what would it be?

  • Name 5 things that are yellow.

6. Read to - Read a story book or listen to one online. Draw a picture in your exercise book of your favourite part

7. Handwriting – Use your marker and a tissue to practise tracing the letters c, o, a, d, g and q. These letters start at the top and go around. Then complete the c and o page from the handwriting booklet.


10:55: Recess

11:30 Mathematics

1. Counting. Count how many steps it takes to get from the bathroom to the lounge room and back.

2. Number. Make the number 6 using objects in your house. Then make the number 6 using counters and a ten frame. Can you make the number 6 in a different way? How many different ways can you make the number 6?

3. Fractions. Half is one of two equal parts that together make a whole. Get a strip of paper and fold it in half. Colour each half in a different colour and then cut along the fold. Glue the two halves together in your book.

4. Try cutting other objects into half (two equal parts) and share them. E.g. a piece of fruit, a biscuit, a tissue etc


12:40 Sport

Practise your balancing skills. Make sure you stand still with your foot flat on the ground. Look at something in front of you and try to keep focused on it. Stand up tall when you balance and relax your arms. Then mark a line on the ground with chalk or use a skipping rope and practise walking along the line. Go forwards, backwards, sideways and on tip-toes. As a challenge balance a tissue on your head. Make sure the tissue does not fall off your head, or you have to start from the beginning again!

Optional: Watch the Get skilled Get active static balance video to see how to perform a static balance 

1:15: Lunch

1:55: Science

Discuss the fact that plants and animals are living things. What makes an animal a living thing? What makes a plant a living thing? On the worksheet draw pictures of things plants need to survive and things that you need to survive.

What plants need to survive Worksheet

2:55: Pack Away

Blossom Possum

By Gina Newton (author), Kilmeny Niland (illustrator)

Read with permission from Scholastic
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