Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Monday 18th May

9:00: Morning Routine

1. Fruit break

2. Discuss the weather and calendar: Complete the Weather and Calendar Chart

9:10: English

1. Sight words – introduce new sight word then. Say the sight word and try to put it into a sentence. Practice all sight words including new word. Complete 2 activities from the sight word grid with your new word. 

2. Reading – Choose one reader from your Reading Box in Wushka. Read the book, then talk about your favourite part of the book.

3. Phonics – Introduce the sound ‘e’. What is in your house that starts with ‘e’. Draw the letter in the air. Say some words that start with ‘e’. How many sounds can you hear? Complete ‘e’ page in the phonics booklet.

10:00: Crunch and Sip

Listen to a story online

10:10: English

4. Writing – Draw, Talk, Share, Write. Follow the instructions and complete task #6 in your writing workbook. Upload your drawing and writing onto Seesaw.


Draw, Talk, Share, Write

Good morning Kindergarten!

Today we are going to do some more drawing and writing.  Get your coloured pencils, a lead pencil and your writing workbook ready. Let’s begin!

Mrs Hyde

5. Speaking and listening – answer 2 questions: 

  • What is your favourite song? 

  • Name 5 types of fruit.

6. Read to - Read a story book or listen to one online. Draw a picture in your exercise book of your favourite part

7. Handwriting – Use your marker and a tissue to practise tracing the letters r, n, m, h, b, p and k. These letters go down, back up and around. Then complete the r and n page from the handwriting booklet.

10:55: Recess

11:30: Mathematics

1. Counting. Collect 20 objects. Practise counting the collection, forwards and backwards. 

2. Weekly number focus- 9. Go on a number hunt! Can you find the number 9 in your house? Complete the I spy number 9 activity sheet.

3. Subitising. Draw as many different dot patterns as you can for the number 5 in your book. Which pattern is the easiest to recognise without counting? 

4. Place 5 counters along the top of your ten frame. Then practise counting on from 5 to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Add counters to make numbers to 10. Start from 5 each time and add the correct number of counters.

12:40 Digital Technology

Discuss the parts of a computer and see what parts you can remember from the last lesson. Using the paper template of a keyboard, colour or highlight the letters in your name. Once you have done that, pretend the paper is a real keyboard and pretend to type your name. If you can, use a computer keyboard or a keyboard on a phone/iPad and practice typing your name into a word document or a blank note if it is on a phone or iPad. Remember when typing your name that you need to type the letters in the right order. Practice typing your name lots of times.

Paper Keyboard

1:15: Lunch

1:55: Health

Discuss healthy eating. Watch the story-The Very Hungry Caterpillar on YouTube (link on website). Discuss the healthy and unhealthy foods that the caterpillar ate. Then discuss the different food groups. Look at the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating poster and talk about the foods that are healthy. Then complete the food group sorting worksheet. When you are finished, tell someone in your family which food group is your favourite and why.

2:55: Pack Away

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