9:00: Morning Routine
1. Fruit break
2. Discuss the weather and calendar: Complete the Weather and Calendar Chart
9:10: English
1. Sight words – introduce new sight word they. Say the sight word and try to put it into a sentence. Practice all sight words including the new word. Play the Sight Word board game using a dice.
2. Reading – Choose one reader from your Reading Box in Wushka. Read the book, then talk about your favourite part of the book.
3. Phonics – Play the ‘Roll a sound’ game. Roll a dice, say the sound that matches the number, then find that sound on the game board and cover it with a counter. Keep playing until you have covered all of the sounds on your game board.
10:00: Crunch and Sip
Listen to a story online
10:10: English
4. Writing – Draw, Talk, Share, Write. Follow the instructions and complete task #10 in your writing workbook. Upload your drawing and writing onto Seesaw.
5. Speaking and listening – answer 2 questions:
- What is a type of food that you don’t like to eat?
- Name 5 flavours of ice cream.
6. Read to – Read a story book or listen to one online. Draw a picture in your exercise book of your favourite part.
7. Handwriting – Use your marker and a tissue to practise tracing the letters r, n, m, h, b, p and k. These letters go down, back up and around. Then complete the k page from the handwriting booklet.
11:30: Mathematics
1. Counting. Practice counting your collections of 20 objects. Count forwards and backwards. Then try counting from 12 and keep counting.
2. Number. Number 9 home learning challenge. Follow the instructions at the top of the sheet.
3. Heavy and light. Play a prediction game. Get four different objects from around the house. E.g. a tissue, a hat, a cotton ball, a pair of scissors etc. Predict whether the objects are heavier, lighter or about the same.
4. Pick four of your favourite toys and order them from lightest to heaviest. Which toy is the lightest? Which toy is the heaviest? Draw them in your book.
12:40: Fitness
Follow the instructions and play each game on the activity card.
Activity 1- nanyima (throwing game)
Activity 2- wanambi (tag / chasing game)
1:55: CAPA - Visual Arts
Follow the steps to make a koala artwork.
Cut out the koala template (head, body and arms).
Glue the arms to the body and then glue the head to the body.
Tear the newspaper into small pieces and glue the pieces to the body, head, arms and legs of the koala. Make sure there are no white gaps!
Cut out the nose and two eyes and glue them to the head.