Friday 1st May
9:00: Morning Routine
1. Fruit Break: Listen to Wombat Stew
2. Discuss the weather and calendar: Complete the Weather and Calendar Chart
9:10: English
1. Sight word review- Review all Term 1 Sight Words. Play a game of ‘Snap’ or ‘hide the counter’ using the sight word cards and say each word as you play
2. Reading- Complete home reading. Find all the words that you know in your home reader everyday
3. Phonics- Play the rhyming game using the game board, a dice and one counter for each player.
4. Writing- Silly Sausage sentences: Choose 1 beginning, 1 middle and one end to create a silly sentence. Complete 2 pages each day.
5. Speaking and listening - answer 2 questions:
· If you were in a band what instrument would you play? Why?
· Name 5 things that are small6. Read to - Read a story book or listen to one online
7. Handwriting – Complete 2 pages of the pencil control booklet
10:55: Recess
11:30: Mathematics
1. Number review- Practise counting forwards to 20 and backwards from 20.
2. Practise subitising (saying the number of dots on your dice without counting.
3. Look around your home or yard and find 3 things that are the following shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle.
4. Play the ‘Roll a Shape” game. Roll the dice and trace the shape.
5. Drawing a picture using different 2D shapes.
6. Sing the Shapes Song
12:40: Sport
PE with Joe: Complete half an hour of exercise by following the link or completing the task cards -
Task Cards
Exercise Journal
PE With Joe Youtube Playlist
1:15: Lunch
2:00: Creative Arts- Drama
Practise animal movements, eg. hop like a frog, gallop like a horse. Listen to the Diary of a Wombat. Pretend you are the wombat, listen to the story again and do all the things the wombat does, eg. Eat, sleep, scratch, dig.
Charades: Play with a partner. Take turns at pretending to be different animals. Can your partner guess what you are?