Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Wednesday 29th April 2020

9:00: Morning Routine

1. Fruit Break

2. Discuss the weather and calendar: Complete the Weather and Calendar Chart

9:10: English

1. Sight word review- Review Term 1 Sight Words. Play a game of ‘Snap’ or ‘hide the counter’ using the sight word cards and say each word as you play - Term 1 Sight Words

2. Reading- Complete home reading. Find all the words that you know in your home reader everyday 

3. Phonics- Play the rhyming game using the game board, a dice and one counter for each player. - Phonics Board Game

4. Writing- Silly Sausage sentences: Choose 1 beginning, 1 middle and one end to create a silly sentence. Complete 2 pages each day. - Silly Sausage Sentences

5. Speaking and listening - answer 2 questions:

  • If you could fly where would you fly to? Why?
  • Name 5 things that are small

6. Read to - Read a story book or listen to one online 

7. Handwriting – Complete 2 pages of the pencil control booklet - Pencil Control Book

 10:55 Recess

 11:30: Mathematics

1. Practise subitising (saying the number of dots on your dice without counting.

2. Ten Frame: Place some counters on the frame. How many dots can you see? How many dots are missing? How many dots are needed to fill the frame? Fill the frame and ask how many dots are there? How do you know? Do you need to count? Why not? 

3. Play a game with the ten frame and counters. One person covers their eyes while the other person places counters on a ten frame. The person who covered their eyes says the two numbers that make 10.

 12:40: Sport

PE with Joe: Complete half an hour of exercise by following the link or completing the task cards - 

Task Cards

Exercise Journal

PE With Joe Youtube Playlist

 1:15: Lunch

 1:55: Geography

Talk about how we care about our home. Have a think about the different rooms in your house, your front yard and your back yard. What do you do to look after these places? Complete the ‘caring for my home’ worksheet and glue into your exercise book.  - Caring For My Home Worksheet

2:55: Pack away

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