Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Wednesday 6th May

9:00: Morning Routine

1. Fruit break

2. Discuss the weather and calendar: Complete the Weather and Calendar Chart

9:10: English

1. Sight words – introduce new sight word look. Say the sight word and try to put it into a sentence. Practice all sight words including new word. Complete 2 activities from the sight word grid with your new word. 

2. Reading- Complete home reading. Find all the words that you know in your home reader everyday

3. Phonics - Introduce the sound ‘i’. What is in your house that starts with ‘i’. Draw the letter in the air. Say some words that start with ‘i’. How many sounds can you hear? Complete ‘i’ page in the phonics booklet.


Sight Words and Sounds Review 

Good morning Kindergarten!

Today I would like you all to join me in reviewing some sight words and sounds. 

Mrs Hyde

10:00: Crunch'n'Sip

Listen to a story online The Kangaroo and the Porpoise

10:10: English

4. Writing- Silly Sausage sentences: Choose 1 beginning, 1 middle and one end to create a silly sentence. Complete 2 pages each day. Silly Sausage Sentences Booklet

5. Speaking and listening – answer 2 questions: 

  • What is your favourite thing to do at school? Why?

  • Name 5 things that are smelly

6. Read to - Read a story book or listen to one online. Draw a picture in your exercise book of your favourite part

7. Handwriting – Use your marker and a tissue to practise tracing the letters i, l, t, f and j. These letters start at the top and move down Then complete the i page from the handwriting booklet.

 10:55: Recess


11:30: Mathematics

1. Number review- Practise counting forwards to 20 and backwards from 20.

2. Number 7 cut and paste.  Cut and glue the pictures that show 7 under the number 7. Cut and glue the pictures that aren’t 7 in the other column. Number 7 Cut and Paste

3. Use 1-10 number cards and put the numbers in order in a straight line. Have a look at numbers 11-20. how are some of them the same as numbers 1-10. Get 10 counters. How many would you need to add to make 11? How many to make 12? Do this until you get to 20. Remember we already have 10 we just need to add more to get to 20. Add numbers 11-20 to your number line.

4. Play Shark Numbers Game

12:40: Sport:

PE with Joe: Complete half an hour of exercise by following the link or completing the task cards.

1:15: Lunch

1:55: History: 

Talk about what a family is. Who is in a family? Draw and colour a picture on the ‘this is a family’ worksheet about who you think is in a family. Talk about your picture. Do you think every family is the same as your picture? How can families be different? Talk about how families can be different sizes and have different people in them but still be a family. Glue your picture into your workbook.

Optional: listen to “The Family Book”. 

This is a family worksheet

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