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Lethbridge Park Public School

Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655




Your new kindergarten student will be learning many new routines for eating, playing, toileting, and lining up, all in the first few weeks of school. We hope the following information will help you and your child in this transition time:

Week 2 Drop off and pick up procedures: In the morning, please enter the school via Mariana Cresent gate from 8.45am and complete the sign-in procedures before escorting your child to their classroom. Please then exit the Mariana Cresent gate after you have dropped your child off. In the afternoon, please enter the school via Mariana Cresent gate from 2.35pm and complete the sign-in procedures before picking your child up from their classroom. Please then exit the Mariana Cresent gate after you have picked up your child. 

Crunch and Sip: From Day One we will be having Crunch and Sip which is a 5 minute break in the morning session to snack on a small piece of fruit, or vegetables such as carrot and celery sticks. This routine is different to preschool in that each child only eats the food they have brought from home; fruit will not be cut and shared as in preschool. If your child needs their fruit peeled or cut, please do this at home and wrap the fruit to bring to school. Also note that children will only be eating fruit or veggies during Crunch and Sip to encourage healthy eating habits. The canteen sells fruit if it is not available at home.

Recess and Lunch Food: No recess or lunch orders for the first week please. Kindy students can order recess and lunch if necessary from the second week. Children should bring enough healthy food for recess and lunch. (Please refer to the information given in the orientation pack). A lunch box with an ice pack is a good option for summer. 

Canteen: No money for the canteen for the first two weeks of school. In our experience, it is best if kindergarten children learn the routines for eating at school before going to buy extra food at the canteen. Eating recess and lunch can take a long time in kindergarten and children will not have time to buy and eat extra food. Going to the canteen also reduces the amount of time for play which is a very important for settling into school.

From 8th February, if you would like your child to have money for the canteen, they will be able to go at lunch time only. Money needs to be kept in a labelled snap lock bag or envelope in their school bag and not in pockets. Please note that children will not be able to bring uneaten canteen food into the classroom at the end of play time.

Label all clothes, hats, bags, lunch boxes and drink bottles with your child’s name. Teach your child where to find their name on their belongings.

Hats: Every kindergarten child has been given a school hat to wear while at school (either from Preschool or as part of the orientation pack). These hats will remain at school and will be stored in each child’s classroom.

Spare clothes, particularly shorts and undies packed in a labelled plastic bag inside the school bag, are always handy in kindergarten as accidents can happen to any child when they are adjusting to new routines.

Absences: It is extremely important that your child is at school on time every day. If your child is sick and has a day off school please call the school or send in a note explaining why they were away on their first day back at school. It is an important legal requirement that we have explanations for every absence.

Phone Numbers: If you change your phone number or address at any time, please make sure the office has your new details.

Please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher if you have any other questions regarding Kindergarten.


Mrs Belinda Hyde

Assistant Principal Early Stage One