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Lethbridge Park Public School

Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


1/2 Green

In 1/2 Green we work together to: 

-let others learn

-be kind

-give our best effort


We follow the school positive behaviours for learning by being safe, being respectful and being learners. We work with a growth mindset and always put in our best effort. We believe in learning from our mistakes and understand that we are always growing in body and mind.

In 1/2 Green we live by our class motto:

We keep gong, so we can keep growing. 

Important information for the students in 1/2 Green

Home reading

Each child will receive a homework reading folder. They can return their folders when they have read their book. Please encourage children to read on a daily basis. Regular reading is the strongest indicator of academic success.


Each child will receive a homework folder. Students receive homework on Monday and return homework in their folders on Friday.


Mrs Sharma will teach literacy lessons in the library each Wednesday. Students will need a bag to borrow books. They do not need to have a school library bag. The purpose of the bag is to protect the books. Any plastic or canvas bag will be acceptable. Please encourage your child to borrow regularly. They are also able to borrow from the library every lunch time. 


Students will be using the Seesaw learning tool in class. All parents will receive an invitation to join the Seesaw family application. Seesaw is an excellent form of communication between class and home. It also allows students to post and share their learning with families.

Breakfast club

The breakfast club is open every morning from 8:25 until 8:45. All students are invited to sit and enjoy a bowl of cereal, a cup of milk and toast.

Crunch and Sip (fruit break)

We have fruit break every day at about 10:00 to provide our bodies and brains with healthy energy needed for learning. Students can have fruit or vegetables, and water. Please pack fruits or vegetables that are easy to eat in a short amount of time. If needed, cut fruit into small bite size pieces. Students cannot go to the canteen at this time.


In 1/2 Green, we have ‘Huff and Puff’ every day. Students are required to continuously run or walk for 6-10 minutes. During this time students are tracking the number of steps they take and aim to improve their fitness. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and hat.

Sport lessons are with Mrs Sharma on Mondays. Make sure your child wears appropriate foot wear.  


If your child is away from school for any reason please call the school, send a message via Seesaw or send a note with your child when they return to school. It is an important legal requirement that the school has explanations for all absences.

Sun Safety

All students are required to wear a hat during play time and class sport. Students who do not have a hat are limited to playing in shaded areas. Please ensure your child brings a hat, with their name on it, to school every day. For hygiene reasons, we can not supply and share hats.