Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


6 Green

Welcome to 6 Green!

6 Green is an accepting and exciting learning environment that values excellence in education. We strive to build our learning ability through inquiry and discovery and aim to achieve in all areas of learning.

To Parents/Carers of 6 Green,

In 6 Green, we promote the use of a growth-mindset in all areas of learning. We work as a team and focus on creating a positive learning environment for all students. 6 Green is committed to creating learning opportunities for all everyone. Students are provided differentiated work that allows for each student to achieve throughout the school year.


  • Develop and achieve in our learning
  • Display respectful behaviour to all teacher and peers
  • Take responsibility for our actions
  • Show resilience
  • Be safe in all settings
  • Be ready to learn everyday

Attendance and absences

Attendance is a high priority at Lethbridge Park Public School. Students need to be at school every day to ensure they can engage in meaningful learning experiences. Attendance plays a crucial part in providing students with high quality education. If you child is unable to attend school, you must notify the school as soon as possible. If your child is sick please ensure you send a note or doctors certificate with them to school when they return so it can be documented.


Homework will begin in week 3. Students are encouraged to read every night for at least 30 minutes. Additionally, students are provided with a task grid that attempts to provide engaging homework activities for them to complete. Homework is not compulsory but is highly recommended.

Outdoor activities

At Lethbridge Park Public School, we provide both school sport and PSSA. All students are welcome to tryout for teams in PSSA. Students participate in a range of sports and physical activities each Friday that help to improve their fundamental movement skills and further their social interactions.


If you ever need to contact me please make sure to call the school and I return you call.

Looking forward to working with you.

Kinds regards,
Mr De Lorenzo