3 Violet is a positive, vibrant learning environment where expectations are high and all students are encouraged to achieve to their fullest potential.
Mr Malla is the class teacher of 3 Violet, and is committed to creating learning opportunities that are tailored to suit the unique learning needs of every child, whilst ensuring that all learning experiences are engaging and challenging.
Whole Class Expectations
In 3 Violet, we follow the whole school rules:
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be a Learner
At the start of the year, we also collaborated and created an agreed set of class expectations to complement our commitment to the school rules. These expectations are:
- Act safely and make responsible choices.
- Be a confident learner every day.
- Treat everyone with respect and kindness.
- Keep our classroom tidy.
- Show the 5Ls of lovely listening.
Attendance and Absences
Daily attendance at school is important - all students need to be at school every day to ensure that they do not miss out on essential learning.
However, if your child is away from school, please ensure that you provide a reason to the school as soon as possible, either on the day of the attendance or on the first day that your child returns to school. There are a number of ways that you can provide this information to the school:
- Call the school office on 9628 6655
- Respond to the automated text message that you receive when your child is marked absent from school
- Message Mr Malla on Seesaw (if you are not on our class Seesaw yet, please see Mr Malla for help)
- Send a note or a doctor's certificate with your child when they return to school
- Come in and speak to the office staff or Mr Malla in person 😀
Homework is given out every Monday and is due back to school either on Thursday or Friday of the same week. Homework consists of home reading, mathematics (time tables) practice, mathematics activities and spelling / word work.
English: We are learning about the concept of Argument, exploring persuasion through quality texts. We will be learning about different types of verbs, modality, sentence punctuation, evaluative language, connectives and quotation marks. We also have a heavy focus this term on learning to write persuasively.
Mathematics: This term's focuses include Whole Numbers, Multiplication and Division, Two-dimensional Space, Addition and Subtraction, Position and Patterns & Algebra.
Science and Technology: We are continuing our unit of work on Living World, exploring the life cycles of living things and how to classify living things.
Human Society and Its Environment: This term, we are learning about the local environment and the natural characteristics of Australia.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: This term's focus is on keeping safe around medicines, the harmful effects of drugs on the body and a continuation of movement skills in PE/fitness.
Creative Arts: We have been enjoying making artworks so far this term and will be moving into learning elements of drama making later on this term.