Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Year 5 & 6

Badge Awards, Term 1


All Stage 3 students at Lethbridge Park Public School will be engaged in remote learning using OneNote. This is the same software they use in their classes and will continue to use from home over the coming weeks. 

In addition, to support remote learning, the following websites are used where teachers have assigned personalised content to individual students:

Mathletics: https://www.mathletics.com/au/

Literacy Planet: https://app.literacyplanet.com/login

Get Epic! Reading: https://www.getepic.com/

Students have individual or class logins for each of these sites. All usernames and passwords can be found in their Class NoteBook.

In addition, all stage 3 students are asked to check their DET email daily by logging in to the DET student portal. This is by far the quickest and easiest way for students to ask their teacher a question while working from home! Also, the teachers love to hear how their students are going!


 1st April - new how-to video