Useful Weblinks
Please find below some links that may be useful to use at home during remote learning. The teachers have been using these websites during classtime.
GoNoodle is a free website that you will need to sign up for. You can find movement and mindfullness videos that encourage the students to join in and follow the steps in the video.
Jack Hartmann is an educational YouTuber who creates videos that involve learning and movement.
Here are some of the Jack Hartmann videos we like to use in the classroom. (We love Jack Hartmann):
This is an English alphabet song that encourages and helps the viewer be active while learning the alphabet.
You will need your log in card to use this website.
YouTube links:
Days of the Week Song
Months of the Year Song
The Counting by Twos Song
100's chart links
Other mathematics websites
Storyline Online is a website that has celebrities reading their favourite books to viewers.
Miss Carroll has two favourite books from this website she would love to share.
Literacy Planet
You will need your log in card to use this website.
Creative Arts
National Geographic Kids YouTube channel
National Geographic kids website
Watch the zoo animals live at Sandiego Zoo!