Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 1 Week 11

Week 11 introduction


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Read home reader for 10 minutes


Choose one of the writing prompt pictures. Write about the picture in writing book. When is it? (day, time, special event). Where are they? Who is in the story? What are they doing? Why are they there? Why are they doing that? 

10 minute break


Trace each letter of the alphabet on the laminated sheet. Make sure to start at the dot and follow the arrows. Complete at least 3 times.

Alphabet work

Match the capital letters to the lowercase letters. Order the letters from A-Z. Point and say each letter.

10 minute break


Choose 5 words from the sight word list. Complete 2 activities from the ‘Sight Word Activity Grid’.


Monday - Find objects around the house or words in books with the ‘d’ sound. The sound can be at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Check the different spellings for the sound in the box on the worksheet. Write each word in the right column on the worksheet. Find at least 6 words.

Tuesday - Find objects around the house or words in books with the ‘z’ sound. The sound can be at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Check the different spellings for the sound in the box on the worksheet. Write each word in the right column on the worksheet. Find at least 6 words.

Wednesday - Find objects around the house or words in books with the ‘m’ sound. The sound can be at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Check the different spellings for the sound in the box on the worksheet. Write each word in the right column on the worksheet. Find at least 6 words.

Thursday - Find objects around the house or words in books with the ‘n’ sound. The sound can be at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Check the different spellings for the sound in the box on the worksheet. Write each word in the right column on the worksheet. Find at least 6 words.

11:00 - 30 minute break



Monday - 1. Start counting forwards from 0 and stop at 29

2. Start counting forwards from 6 and stop at 35

3. Start counting backwards from 20 and stop at 5

Tuesday - Handfuls activity. See instructions sheet

Wednesday - 1. Start counting forwards from 5 and stop at 31

2. Start counting forwards from 10 and stop at 46

3. Start counting backwards from 29 and stop at 3

Thursday - Handfuls activity. See instructions sheet

Counting challenge

Monday - Bead strings - count by 2's

Tuesday - Bead strings - get the beads

Wednesday - Bead strings - count backwards by 2's

Thursday - Bead strings - get the beads

Writing numbers

Trace numbers over the plastic sleeve. Practice writing numbers 0-10 in your writing book

1:30 - 30 minute break



Option 1 - Set up a goal that is approximately 2 metres wide (you could use a cardboard box, part of a wall, 2 objects placed apart etc.). Start 2 metres from the goal and kick a soccer ball to the goal. Every time you successfully hit the goal, take a step back. Try to make 10 successful kicks in a row.

Monday - Option 2 – Estimate how many steps it will take to walk around the yard. Walk around the yard counting your steps. Were you close?

Tuesday - Option 2 - Estimate how many steps it will take to jog around the yard. Jog around the yard counting your steps. Were you close?

Wednesday - Option 2 - Estimate how many steps it will take to run around the yard. run around the yard counting your steps. Were you close?

Thursday - Option 2 - Estimate how many hops it will take to hop around the yard. Hop around the yard counting your steps. Were you close?

Option 3 - Choose a movement activity from Go Noodle https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames

Choose a dance from Just Dance https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Vlhde7N5uGDIFXXWWEbFQ/videos

2:15 - KLAs

Monday - Creative Arts

Draw a portrait of a family member or pet. You have paper in your package to do this.

Tuesday - Personal Development

Draw a picture of you and a picture of someone in your family (this could be the person you choose to make the list about last week) and write some sentences or words that make you and that person similar or different.

Wednesday - History

Discuss with someone in your home how the clothing the family in the picture is wearing is different to your clothing. Then complete the worksheet using words or pictures to describe the differences between clothing in the past and present. Draw your favourite piece of clothing from the past and present. Paste the worksheet into your workbook

Thursday - Science

Find some recyclable objects around the house that you can use to make something new. Refer to the example page in your package.

 Badge Awards, Term 1

Sight Word Activity Grid

Below are examples of what your sight word activities should look like


Maths - Counting by 2's

Maths - Number chart chop challenge

Maths - Get the beads

Maths - Hiding numbers

Maths - Counting by 2's backwards

Maths - Number chart chop challenge part 2

Maths - Get the beads part 2

Maths - Hiding numbers part 2

Maths - Counting by 5's

Maths - Number chart challenge part 3


Please see https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/learning/family-photo-albums for further pictures to discuss


State Library - Family photo


PE Option 1 - Monday

PE Option 2 - Monday

PE Option 2 - Tuesday

PE Option 2 - Wednesday

PE Option 2 - Thursday

PE Option 2 - Friday