Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655



Morning 9-11am

Reading - Read for 10 minutes OR TRY WUSHKA online – username and password on the letter.

Reading response - Communicating through Art worksheet. See worksheet for more instructions. Choose a book from home or online if you have finished your books from school.

Writing - Writing Prompt booklet: Find words to write beginning with each letter from the topics listed. Colour in the pictures and draw your own picture in the poems that are left blank.

10 minute break

Handwriting - FROM WEEK 1 Trace the sentence with a washable texta. Make sure you start at the dot and stay on the line. Wipe off with a damp cloth.

10 minute break

Spelling - FROM WEEK 1 Choose 5 new words from the sight word list. -Complete 2 activities from the ‘Sight Word Activity Grid’. Check pictures on the website if you are not sure what to do.

Phonics - Search THRASS Picture Words sheets 3, 4 and 5 for things that are metal. Write them on the sheet and trace the bold letters in a colour. Finally, write a sentence about the picture for at least three of the picture words in your list.

30 minute break

Middle session 11:30-1pm

Counting - Card Number Line see maths instructions sheet for details FROM WEEK 1. You Need: Playing cards, Timer, Our best times sheet

Multiplication & Division - Grow the rows See blue maths instructions sheet for details. You Need: Playing Cards, 2x Array card, 2 Blank A4 cards, 2 half A4 cards (A5), Work book

3D and 2D space - 2D shape art. Character Art ; model provided. Day Two: Continue art.

30 minute break

Afternoon session 2-3pm

PE - Option 1: Student will be completing a course of activities. Start with a sliding lap of yard. Go into a knee scale (hold to a count of 10). Complete a second sliding lap of yard. Go into a plank (hold to a count of 10). Option 2 - Choose a movement activity from Go Noodle https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames Choose a dance from Just Dance https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Vlhde7N5uGDIFXXWWEbFQ/videos

Geography - Lesson 2 Write a list of places you have visited in Australia. You can do this in your workbook. For example: • This could be somewhere local such as Mount Druitt shops or Emerton pools. • It could be somewhere in NSW such as the central coast, a camping ground you’ve stayed at, the blue mountains or Sydney (city) from the Kindergarten excursion last week. • It could be places you’ve been around Australia such as Queensland, Melbourne, Perth etc. Once you’ve created a list of places, choose your favourite places that you have visited to draw. Write what you like about these places.

Reading response - Communicating through art

Maths - Daily counting

Maths - Multiplication and division


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