Lethbridge Park Public School

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4-6 Yellow T1 W1 - old

Hello, 4-6 Yellow and welcome to Week 10 of Learning!

You will found our timetable for the week as well as a video showing you all the resources found inside your work pack! Take your time to watch this video and look over all the resources you find in your work pack before you begin your learning for the day!

Term 1 Week 10 Timetable

Click on the above text to download a copy of the timetable for week 10.

Literacy: Morning Meeting & Sight Words

Tuesday 31st March video


This video was made as a reminder to always check the day, date and weather. Continue to complete some jobs that you can help your family to complete around the home. March will be finished soon so change the calendar and check the new month and season this week!


You will have up to three sight words to read out aloud. There will be up to three activities per day that you can complete and add to your writing books. As an example, the word 'weekend' can be used when:


1) Making a sentence.

2) Unjumbling 'weekend' into smaller words.

3) Writing 'weekend' into a pyramid (triangle). 

Literacy - Persuasive Topics

The following video will guide you on how to complete the Persuasive Topics activity with two sheets with four topic cards set on each sheet that you will find on your work pack. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose any topic listed on one of two sheets of paper.
  2. Decide whether you agree or disagree with a chosen topic. 
  3. Think about discussing the topic with your family, share your ideas and write or draw your ideas into a spare page in your workbook. 
  4. Talk to your family and present by standing upright while holding onto your workbook saying out loud why you agree or disagree with your chosen topic. Keep in contact with your audience while speaking and presenting!
  5. Change your topic and switch sides. For example,  if you agree with one topic, choose a different topic and make three points on why you have chosen to disagree with this topic. 

Good luck! Looking forward to seeing many clever ideas!

Numeracy - Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures

Tuesday 31st March video

This video shows you how to complete the Hundreds Chart Mystery Picture as one of your daily maths activities. Have a hundreds chart sheet, colouring in pencils and instructions set kept near you. Have plenty of space on your work table or a clipboard ready to go.


Choose a mystery picture number, find the colouring in pencils that you need and look at the following instructions:


1) Select one colour at a time and fill in all squares listed into the hundreds chart.


2) Add a sum together to work out an answer, select the number found on the hundreds chart and colour in the square. 


Take your time colouring in each number square. Can you work out what mystery picture you have made? Feel free to use texts or crayon (once you have checked all numbers on the hundreds chart first!) or add more colour to each square to brighten up the picture!

Geography - Look up Google Earth and find where you live!

The following video will guide you on how to complete the Google Earth activity as part of the Key Learning Area Choiceboard options. Have a go at finding any similarities and differences found at your home address now, when compared to the picture found on Google Earth! Write down on your workbooks what you have discovered and what has changed over time!

Weekly Timetable

Ready to start the day?

  • Take your time to wash your hands with soap and water before starting the day.
  • Get out your yellow folder, remove all equipment and place on the table.
  • Have a bottle or glass of water near you.
  • Practice breathing in and out using your five fingers and get ready to learn!


  • Yellow folder
  • Water bottle

Morning Meeting

  • Look at a calendar and put your finger on today’s day and date.
  • Say aloud: Today is _________ (name of the day), the date is ______________, 2020.
  • Check out the window near you for the weather. Say aloud: What is today’s weather?
  • There are ________ days to the weekend.
  • Share what you have learnt from yesterday or from the weekend.
  • Sight word booklet/spelling words form: 
    • Practice reading your 3 sight words and complete at least 2 activities on sheet.
    • Practice reading your spelling words and write them down into your booklet.


  • Calendar Sheets
  • Sight Words List
  • Spelling Words (Coloured laminated sheet)
  • Work booklet

Movement Break

Choose two activities to complete from the Movement Choiceboard


  • Choose two activities to complete from the Maths Choiceboard.
  • Complete one of five maths activities to complete. Do a different activity each day.


  • 1-100 Number chart
  • Maths Choiceboard
  • Maths activities
  • Variety of games
  • Dice & counters
  • Paddle pop sticks

Crunch & Sip / Relax

  • Eat fruit or vegetables and have a drink of water. Remember to take your time to wash your hands after having crunch and sip.
  • Take a break for 10 minutes. Move out of the chair for a while!


  • Fruit or vegetable snack
  • Water bottle

Movement Break

  • Choose two activities to complete from the Movement Choiceboard.


  • Choose two activities to complete from the Literacy Choiceboard.
  • Complete one of five Literacy activities to complete. One different activity per day.


  • Literacy Choiceboard
  • Literacy activities


Reading & Responding

  • Read a book to yourself or aloud to someone using one of the readers provided.
  • Use My Story Flow Map to record the beginning, middle and end of the story for the book that you have read today.


  • 3 to 6 readers (in yellow folder)
  • My Story Flow Map (x5 pages)

Writing Booklet

  • Look at a choice of pictures and read the words near them.
  • Write sentences to describe the choice of picture you see on the page.
  • Use clear sentences like “I see a dog.” “It is a little dog with big ears and brown fur.” “The dog likes to chase after cars on the road.” “I have a dog and a bird at home”.
  • To be more creative, write a story about the picture into your booklet. Can include different characters, names and story location!


  • Writing booklet (x5 pages)
  • Pencil
  • Writing book


Key Learning Areas (Science/Geography/History/PDHPE)

  1. Choose two activities to complete from the KLA Choiceboard.  
  2. Complete an activity from the 4/6 Yellow ‘End of Learning’ sheet.


  • KLA Choiceboard
  • States of matter sort
  • Australia sort
  • World Book Online booklet
  • End of Day sheet

Pack up and Relax. You have finished for today!

  • WELL DONE!  You have completed all your work!
  • Put all your materials in your yellow folder and leave in a safe place for tomorrow.