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Lethbridge Park Public School

Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


K Red

Welcome to K Red for 2020!

Here are a few details about K Red:

Fruit Break: We have fruit break every day at about 9am to give our bodies some healthy energy for learning. Please ensure your child brings water, a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable each day.

Regular Activities

Library: K Red visit the library on Wednesdays. Please ensure your child brings a library bag to school or they will be unable to borrow any books.

Sport: K Red have sport on Tuesdays and fitness on Fridays. Please ensure appropriate footwear is worn on these days.

Canteen Orders: These can be made at the canteen before school. Children go to the canteen to collect their recess orders and at lunch, helpers bring their food to them.

REMINDER: Kindergarten students cannot go to the canteen at recess. Recess is a shorter playtime than lunch and Kindergarten children do not have time to eat what they buy. Recess can be ordered if necessary. 

Home Readers: Home reading is an important part of your child’s literacy development. Please esnure this is completed daily.  

Homework: Kindergarten start homework in Term 2.  

Excursions: We are planning an excursion to the zoo in Term 3. More information will come closer to the time.

Hats: Please ensure your child has a hat to wear every day.  

Paint Shirts: We will be using paint in art lessons and it is very important that your child brings a paint shirt, clearly marked with their name, to school. This will protect their clothing from any accidents and save you a lot of cleaning.

Absences: If your child has a day off school please call the school or send in a note explaining why they were away on their first day back at school. It is an important legal requirement that we have explanations for every absence.

Communication: Mrs Hyde looking forward to working with you and your child. Please feel free to approach her if there is a question or situation you would like to discuss. You are always welcome to ask how your child is going. Afternoons are best for communication as lessons are prepared in the morning but urgent information can be passed on any time and you can make an appointment if you need a longer or more private conversation.

K Red is taught by Mrs Hyde