Welcome back 4-6 Yellow! Hello to Term 2!
Ready for another term of learning; whether it will be learning from home or learning at school!
"We may not be able to stand together as we usually would, but we can still stand united in spirit." - James Morrison; Musician.
Hope everyone and their families had a wonderful Easter Break and a chance to rest and refresh over the holidays! There will be an opportunity this week to acknowledge Anzac Day and pay our respects to all Australian and New Zealand soldiers past and present with a one minute moment of silence set on Wednesday 29th April at 11am. More details will be on the Term 2 Week 1 - Wednesday page.
Regarding our learning for this term, we will continue to work on our work pack activities from home and also have a chance to see each other and our friends face to face online to see how everyone is going! There will be new videos, activities, instructions and links found on separate daily pages while we continue our learning from home. Please click on the appropriate days and weeks listed below:
Term 2 Week 1:
Any further questions and opporutities to chat, please contact over the school phone or through our emails set in our class profile. There will be a set time of 30 minutes per week where we'll be available to chat online for any questions, any support in your learning or for an opportunity to catch up and talk while on our recess and lunch break!
Happy Term 2 learning to everyone in 4-6 Yellow!
Mr Dowlling & Miss Kate
Week 1 Timetable
Ready to start the day?
- Take your time to wash your hands with soap and water before starting the day.
- Get out your yellow folder, remove all equipment and place on the table.
- Have a bottle or glass of water near you.
- Practice breathing in and out using your five fingers and get ready to learn!
- Yellow folder
- Water bottle
Morning Meeting
- Look at a calendar and put your finger on today’s day and date.
- Say aloud: Today is _________ (name of the day), the date is ______________, 2020.
- Check out the window near you for the weather. Say aloud: What is today’s weather?
- There are ________ days to the weekend.
- Share what you have learnt from yesterday or from the weekend.
- Sight word booklet/spelling words form:
- Practice reading your 3 sight words and complete at least 2 activities on sheet.
- Practice reading your spelling words and write them down into your booklet.
- Calendar Sheets
- Sight Words List
- Spelling Words (Coloured laminated sheet)
- Work booklet
Movement Break
Choose two activities to complete from the Movement Choiceboard
- Choose two activities to complete from the Maths Choiceboard.
- Complete one of three maths activities to complete. Do a different activity each day.
- 1-100 Number chart
- Maths Choiceboard
- Maths activities
- Variety of games
- Dice & counters
- Paddle pop sticks
Crunch & Sip / Relax
- Eat fruit or vegetables and have a drink of water. Remember to take your time to wash your hands after having crunch and sip.
- Take a break for 10 minutes. Move out of the chair for a while!
- Fruit or vegetable snack
- Water bottle
Movement Break
- Choose two activities to complete from the Movement Choiceboard.
- Choose two activities to complete from the Literacy Choiceboard.
- Complete one of three Literacy activities to complete. One different activity per day.
- Literacy Choiceboard
- Literacy activities
Reading & Responding
- Read a book to yourself or aloud to someone using one of the readers provided.
- Use My Story Flow Map to record the beginning, middle and end of the story for the book that you have read today.
- 3 to 6 readers (from the Wushka online site).
- My Story Flow Map (x3 pages)
Writing Booklet
- Look at a choice of pictures and read the words near them.
- Write sentences to describe the choice of picture you see on the page.
- Use clear sentences like “I see a dog.” “It is a little dog with big ears and brown fur.” “The dog likes to chase after cars on the road.” “I have a dog and a bird at home”.
- To be more creative, write a story about the picture into your booklet. Can include different characters, names and story location!
- Writing booklet (x3 pages)
- Pencil
- Writing book
Key Learning Areas (Science/Geography/History/PDHPE)
- Choose two activities to complete from the KLA Choiceboard.
- Complete an activity from the 4/6 Yellow Mindfulness Choiceboard
- KLA Choiceboard
- Gold Rush activities
- Anzac Day activities
- World Book Online booklet
- Mindfulness Choiceboard
Pack up and Relax. You have finished for today!
- WELL DONE! You have completed all your work!
- Put all your materials in your yellow folder and leave in a safe place for tomorrow!