Lethbridge Park Public School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 9628 6655


Term 2 Week 3

Welcome to learning in Week 3


Daily Timetable



Please use the timetable to guide your daily learning.

Organising your Literacy learning

Here are examples of the activities you should be completing each day during your literacy learnning:

Reading and completing an online quiz using Wushka.


Completing activities set in Seesaw.

Practising reading, building and writing your sight words.


Playing literacy games.

Afternoon Choiceboard

Remember to complete at least one (1) activity from the Afternoon Choiceboard in your red folder.  Colour in each activity completed to help you track where you're up to.

We love cooking in our class and one of the activities for this week is to try a new RECIPE!!!  Hooray!  Please first check the ingredients for making Jelly Foam.  Check with an adult if the ingredients are in the cupboard.  If yes, then you're ready to start!  If not, you'll have to ask if the ingredients can be bought at the next shop.  Either way, watch the time lapse video to see how easy it is to make.  Enjoy!